Suzannah Baum
From Nervous To Nailed It!

From Nervous To Nailed It!

Public speaking strategies to help you gain more confidence, provide value to your audience, share your knowledge in a compelling way, and get the results – and recognition – that you deserve.
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Product Details
  • “I want to be more polished and confident when presenting to my buyers.”
  • “I wanted to share my opinion at the meeting, but I got too nervous and stayed quiet instead.”
  • "I’m ‘good enough’ at giving presentations, but I know I can be better.”

    Can you relate to any of these comments? Or all of them?!?

    Public speaking is one of the best ways to become known as an expert in your field, mobilize and inspire your team, create confidence and loyalty among your customers or followers, and grow your brand, business, or career.

    But sometimes, a fear of public speaking or being overwhelmed about how to craft an impactful message may stop you from speaking up and sharing your expertise.

    What if there was an easier way to solve this problem?


    With the right tools and guidance, you can be a masterful communicator. From Nervous to Nailed It shares not just what to do to structure your speech, connect with your audience, and deliver with impact and value, but also breaks down exactly how to do it. You’ll go from nervous to confident, from overwhelm to excitement, from “getting it over with” to incredible results.

    You’ll gain an understanding of how to:

    • Craft a structured, engaging, and truly compelling speech
    • Inspire, educate, and persuade your listeners;
    • Connect with your audience at a deeper level
    • Showcase yourself as a trusted and respected leader.
    • Get your point across clearly and powerfully
    • Deliver high-value virtual presentations;
    • And much more!

    Whether you are a beginner who wants to manage nerves, an experienced speaker who wants to be more effective, or a seasoned speaker who wants to take it into the stratosphere – From Nervous to Nailed It! will give you the tools to get there!

    Order your copy today!

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